CollegeReady NEW Scholars Scholarship

This is ONLY for students in the NEW Scholars college readiness program (a program of CollegeReady).
If you are not a NEW Scholar, you aren’t eligible for this scholarship and you should NOT complete this form.

Up to $5,000
Supplemental Questions
    This is only for current NEW Scholars college readiness program participants who are on track to graduate from high school this spring and will successfully complete the NEW Scholars program.

    ***THE DEADLINE IS JUNE 1, 2024***

    You must submit this form by the deadline to receive your NEW Scholars scholarship.

    Following your submission and after the deadline, CollegeReady staff will contact you about your next steps.
  2. Type your name exactly the way you would like to be recognized at our upcoming award ceremonies (include dashes/punctuation/accent marks please!)
  3. As a NEW Scholar, you will be recognized at our summer events. Please make sure you attend the NEW Scholars Take Center Stage event on May 22 at the Weidner Center, and the Lamp of Knowledge Celebration on July 17 at the Meyer Theatre.
  4. Upload a recent photo of yourself OR your senior portrait to be used at our award ceremony and/or for other promotional or recognition purposes.
  5. Which college/university will you attend in the fall?
    Review this list carefully before selecting "Other - Not Listed."
  6. If you chose "Other - Not Listed" above, enter your intended college/university:
  7. Major or Field of Study:
    Select your major/field of study from this list. If you can't find your specific major, please select “Other-Not Listed” and type it into the question below.
    For students with more than one major, enter your first major here and any additional majors in the field below.
  8. If you selected "Other - Not Listed" above, type your intended field(s) of study:
    If you have more than one major, list them here (separate majors with a semicolon).
  9. Thinking of your future plans, how many years of schooling (after high school) will you need to complete your undergraduate degree?
  10. In a couple of sentences, briefly summarize your academic plans and career aspirations/goals:
    If you're still deciding on your career path, that's OK! Just give us an idea of what you plan to explore in college, or the type of field you are currently interested in. This response is required but will not be graded or scored.
  11. This fall, will you attend college on a full-time basis? (enrolled in at least 12 credits each semester)
  12. If you selected "No" above, explain why you will not be a full-time student during the upcoming year. Please specify your plans for all semesters/trimesters.
  13. Verification of College Information
    All questions below are about your upcoming year in college.
    • 1. Enter your college/university student ID (this is REQUIRED to expedite scholarship payments):
    • 2. Each college/university issues their students an email address. Type your college-issued email address here.
    • 3. Which type of UNDERGRAD degree will you be pursuing this fall?
    • 4. Which of the following describes your living situation for the upcoming school year?
    • 5. This fall, will you attend college on a full-time basis? (enrolled in at least 12 credits each semester)
  14. Enter your cumulative high school GPA on a 4.00 scale (Unweighted):
    NEW Scholars who are able to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) will need to upload their FAFSA Submission Summary in this section.
    This tutorial will help you answer the next two questions: Tutorial: Finding your FAFSA Submission Summary & Uploading It
    If you were unable to submit the FAFSA, email Jenny Tice for assistance.
    • 1. Upload a copy of your FAFSA Submission Summary.
      This should be in JPEG, Word doc or PDF format only; remove all punctuation and special characters from the file name. This should NOT be an estimate, and must clearly show your Student Aid Index (SAI).
    • 2. Student Aid Index
      On your FAFSA Submission Summary, you will find your Student Aid Index (SAI).
      Type your SAI into the field below. This amount will be verified against your uploaded FAFSA Submission Summary.
    Click "Add a New File" below to upload your Financial Aid Offer for the coming school year. DO NOT SAVE YOUR FAFSA SUBMISSION SUMMARY HERE!
  17. My Financial Aid
    Review the Financial Aid Offer that you received from your college/university and enter the dollar amounts you will receive during the upcoming school year:
    -- DO NOT include work-study or loans.
    -- If you were awarded a multiple-year scholarship, ONLY list the amount you'll receive during the upcoming school year.
    • 1. Total dollar amount in Grants and Scholarships offered by YOUR COLLEGE
    • 2. Total dollar amount offered in State Grants
    • 3. Total dollar amount offered in Federal Grants (DO NOT INCLUDE LOANS!)
  18. List any scholarships, awards or grants you will receive from OTHER SOURCES (not your college or university):
    • 1a. First Scholarship Name (If none, enter "none")
    • 1b. First Scholarship Amount (If none, enter "0")
  19. Additional Scholarships
    If you have not received any other scholarships, leave questions 2a-6b blank.
    • 2a. Second Scholarship Name
    • 2b. Second Scholarship Amount
    • 3a. Third Scholarship Name
    • 3b. Third Scholarship Amount
    • 4a. Fourth Scholarship Name
    • 4b. Fourth Scholarship Amount
    • 5a. Fifth Scholarship Name
    • 5b. Fifth Scholarship Amount
    • 6a. Remaining Scholarship Name(s) List the name of any/all other scholarships that you will receive.
    • 6b. Remaining Scholarship Amount Enter the TOTAL AMOUNT of any/all other scholarships you will receive.
  20. Enter the TOTAL amount of financial aid you were offered for your upcoming year in college.
    This total should include the scholarships and grants listed on your Financial Aid Offer, AND any other scholarships or grants you will receive from other sources for the upcoming school year.
    DO NOT include loans or work-study!
    Please double-check your math.
  21. Authorization

    By providing my electronic signature below, I certify that all information provided on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

    I understand that it is my responsibility to keep CollegeReady updated with my current contact information. I agree to immediately notify CollegeReady if I change schools, reduce my enrollment to less than full-time, or experience any other change in status that may affect my eligibility to receive an award.

    Acceptance of a scholarship constitutes permission for CollegeReady to use my name, likeness, biographical information and/or personal statements for the future promotion of the organization.

    I have read and understand these terms and conditions and acknowledge that my failure to satisfy any of the above-listed requirements may result in forfeiture of my scholarship.
    • Electronic Signature (type name here):
    • Today's Date
  22. If you are under the age of 18, your parent or guardian must provide his/her electronic signature here:
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